Short and Sweet

I want to talk about a few quotes I heard this week that really stuck with me and I wanted to share.


I was chatting with my Tony Robbins coach the other day and we were talking about how quitting is a habit - and that reminded me of this great video I had watched from Brian Tracy in which he goes on to explain that QUITTING IS A HABIT.


But what's even worse, is that when you quit something, ESPECIALLY fitness, you aren't quitting on the gym you are quitting on yourself. You're giving up on you. You're letting YOU down.


Like Tony Robbins says "I don't need to be an expert to know what your habits and routines are. When I look at your body, I know them."


An amazing body is simply the result of good habits. The opposite is simply the results of bad habits. EVERYTHING in life can be achieved with little steps that create positive habits that eventually lead to what you are after.


This is a law of life that is NEVER wrong. Put into place good exercise and clean eating habits and you WILL get the body you're after - put into place loafing around eating potato chip habits and well, get that associated result.


Cause and effect is never wrong. For every action there is a direct result. If you don't like where you are, take a look at your habits and adjust accordingly.


Always remember, quitting is giving up on yourself.

To your success, 


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