Powerful Beyond Measure

Take 4 minutes and 18 seconds out of your life and head to YouTube and search “Powerful Beyond Measure – Anthony Robbins”


Ever wonder WHY, in the past, losing weight has been random, if anything, and NOT sustainable.


I'm curious how many of you are ready to lose weight once and for all?


There's a very simple test to see if you are ready - and YOU will know if you are in a moment, but first I need to tell you WHY you have never experienced LASTING and SUSTAINABLE weight loss.


You have never lost weight because your mental game was off, your mindset was wrong, your thoughts were not aligned.


So how do you know if you are ready?


Well, did you just argue that statement in your head a bit? If you did, you probably aren't ready for permanent fat loss. (In fact, just by arguing it shows me that deep inside you know it's mental)


You see, far too many of us aren't ready to accept responsibility for our weight - our health - our life.


We still want it to be something, or someone else’s fault.


It's my hormones. It's my family. It's my work schedule. It's traffic. It's my boss. It's my husband. It's the pizza companies fault. It's the cereal. It's the weather. It's the pot holes. It's my genes. It's my...FAULT!


Sure, there are exceptions to the rule. Odds are, YOU aren't the exception.


So how do we work on the mental side? Well first off you need to realize that everything you know is NOT everything there IS to know.


What do I mean by that?


I mean if you don't know something, like how to get your mind in line with your goals so you create that moment where change happens and you never go back again, then you need to go out there and ... LEARN IT!


I laugh, but some people have stopped learning pretty much anything since the moment they left school. Their last day of education was graduation, and they haven't touched a book, audio program, new course or anything educational since.


Throw in there the amount of information that we’ve forgotten from the day we finished school and boy...


Today it's easier than ever before to learn JUST ABOUT ANYTHING. In fact, there's so much information readily available out there (especially with the internet) that sometimes I feel like saying "Really, you didn't even Google that?"


How do we get our mind lined up? How do we get our beliefs in order? How to we prevent and eliminate all that self-sabotaging behaviors and reach our goals once and for all?


It all starts in a book. More specifically, Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins.


I've talked about it a million times - and I'll talk about it a million more times.


Don't download it, don't borrow it, don't watch the video. GO AND BUY IT. A real, physical book!


Highlight it.

Take notes.

Scribble in it.

Dog ear pages.

Do whatever you want with it - but take it all in.


I have several copies because they get filled with markings, scribbles, notes, highlights...


There's something powerful about having the book in your hands, with the ability to reference it whenever you want.


Let it become your "go to" resources for all things LIFE.


Feeling stressed?  - read the book.

Can't lose weight? - read the book.

Broke? - read the book.

Angry? - read the book.

Lonely? - read the book.

Hate your job? - read the book.

Coworkers stressing you out? - read the book.

Have a heartbeat? - read the book.


Oh, and read the book. Geez, you’d think I’m trying to get you stop reading THIS book! I’m not, but I believe in self education, and that book launched my career, changed my life, and transformed my relationship with my wife.


"Don't be lazy in learning" - Jim Rohn. Did you actually watch the video I mentioned above?


Here's a thought - you're scared to read the book because then, what if you realize it is all your fault and it shows you that you, yourself, have all the tools you need to be so much more and that you are actually, truly POWERFUL BEYOND BELIEF.


If you actually read the book and possessed the power it provides, who in the world would you blame your weight, or any other life circumstances, on? You'd have to actually take responsibility for your life and step up, STEP UP, and create the life you really want.




It's supposed to be. It's what keeps everyone else from reading the book so that those who do can get and have SO MUCH MORE.


The choice is yours! Read the book - change your life. Oh, and I should make something clear now that I’ve pushed his book so many times… I don’t, in any way, shape or form, get any kind of reimbursement from promoting his book. I promote his book to you because of how much it has helped me.

To your success, 


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