Health and Fitness Motivation — Faith

Hope Dealer

Hope Dealer

Are you a HOPE DEALER?


This one's short and sweet with some thoughts on hope.


For a long time I believed that if more people had hope that their lives would be drastically improved.


I'm a big fan of John C Maxwell and his books, and in many of his books he talks about being a HOPE dealer.


And I believed that's all it took was hope.


I thought to myself “if I could show people that there's hope, they’d do what needs to be done”.


I run into so many people that...



Why are you fat?


This is going to be one of the LONGEST chapters I've ever written, but it's going to be one that you’ll want to keep as a handy resource for later.


But, of course, a quick disclaimer...


You are 100% responsible for



The following is provided as information only and we assume no risk whatsoever for your actions or results. The views expressed are solely opinions, often gathered from other sources, and are not meant to be followed or used without first consulting with your Doctor. Do not begin...

Quick Question

Quick Question

Can I ask you something...


Are you still interested in losing weight?

Are you still interested in toning up?

Are you still interested in your dream body?


Or have you  given up on your goals? Or, more importantly, on yourself?


Have you bought into the notion that you're meant to be the way you are? That change is for those other “lucky” people and not you? That you're destined to wear your "fat clothes" forever?


Have you bought into the notion that it takes years to lose weight? That you need to keep at it day...

Powerful Beyond Measure

Powerful Beyond Measure

Take 4 minutes and 18 seconds out of your life and head to YouTube and search “Powerful Beyond Measure – Anthony Robbins”


Ever wonder WHY, in the past, losing weight has been random, if anything, and NOT sustainable.


I'm curious how many of you are ready to lose weight once and for all?


There's a very simple test to see if you are ready - and YOU will know if you are in a moment, but first I need to tell you WHY you have never experienced LASTING and SUSTAINABLE weight loss.


You have never...

Are You In?

Are You In?

Are you in or are you, well, in?


I have a confession... I haven't worked out much in a little while since I’ve moved. I mean, I went jogging once...and I came very close to stopping at Starbucks while I jogged by. Thank God I had no wallet! I was feeling a bit guilty about it so I decided well it's been almost 4 months, I better get my act together.


I started looking for simple little phrases to help get me motivated and moving and I came across an old sticky note I had written a long...